Zambezi Dominates Volleyball League

March 24, 2024 Neil Chamisa

Harare witnessed an exhilarating showdown in the women’s beach volleyball league as the Zambezi Amazons continued their unbeaten streak, maintaining their pole position. Nyengeterai Guyo and Vuyiswa Dhlomo, the dynamic duo of the Zambezi

Amazons, showcased their exceptional skills and teamwork, overpowering debutants Christbel Muchenje and Esnath Chamanga in a thrilling match held at the Milton Park bowling club.The Zambezi Amazons, renowned for their dominance in regional beach volleyball tours, left no room for doubt as they secured a resounding 2-0 victory over their opponents. In the first set, they displayed their finesse and tactical prowess, clinching a convincing victory with a score of 21-13. The second set witnessed an even more impressive performance as they overwhelmed Christbel and Esnath, sealing the win with an astonishing score of 21-5.With this impressive triumph, the Zambezi Amazons solidified their position as the leading team in the 12-team league. Nyengeterai and Vuyiswa’s experience and chemistry on the court have proven to be the key to their success, consistently outshining their opponents and leaving spectators in awe.Mr. Njerere, the league’s technical manager, acknowledged the promising talent displayed by the debutants, Christbel and Esnath, despite their late start in the league. He emphasized that their potential should not be underestimated and predicted a bright future for the duo. As they gain more experience and exposure, they are likely to emerge as a formidable force in beach volleyball.Another team to watch out for, according to Mr. Njerere, is the pair of Charity Garwe and Ami Nyabusha. While they may be slowly finding their rhythm, their progress indicates that they could become strong contenders in the league.Beach volleyball is rapidly gaining popularity in Zimbabwe, with its thrilling and fast-paced nature captivating sports enthusiasts across the nation. Mr. Njerere expressed his optimism about the sport’s future, envisioning Zimbabwean teams participating in prestigious international events such as the Olympics and the All Africa Games. This growing interest in beach volleyball reflects the nation’s passion for the sport and its potential to become the leading form of volleyball in Zimbabwe.

As the Harare women’s beach volleyball league progresses, the Zambezi Amazons continue to set the bar high, inspiring aspiring athletes and captivating fans with their remarkable performances. With their sights set on maintaining their pole position, Nyengeterai Guyo and Vuyiswa Dhlomo are determined to prove that they are not only the best team in Zimbabwe but also a formidable presence on the international beach volleyball stage.

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